For calculating New Zealand 15 GST Goods and Services Tax Use our all in one GST calculator to find GST inclusive and exclusive prices or the correct GST content of a product or service. If you have many GST-registered entities you can form a GST group to reduce compliance costs. Gst Guidelines For Small Business Online Taxes Tax Services Filing Taxes Exempttax-free items Its also worth noting that some goods which are exempt from VAT may not be exempt from GST and vice. . The permanent GST Voucher scheme provides continuing assurance that our GST does not hurt the lower-income. The rate you will charge depends on different factors see. To work out the cost including GST you multiply the amount exclusive of GST by 11. GST Rate Change for Businesses. The permanent GST Voucher scheme was introduced by the Government in Budget 2012 to help lower-income Singaporeans. Our second webinar relating to policy and remedial changes f...